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The Apaza Family Lineage

With love, respect, joy and enthusiasm, I share this photo of my Elder Don Alejandro and his living lineage. Don Alejandro comes from a family line of Pampamesayoks and Altomesayoks from the Q'ero Inca Nation. The Earth and Spirit healing medicine has been passed down through Don Alejandro's ancestral line for many generations and he and his family are honoring their ancestors by sharing, with permission, the wisdom that was preserved for 500 years, with the West. This is so that the changes we are experiencing can be supported by cleansing what no longer serves our human and more than human Earth Community, while being held in understanding, love, growth, connection, wisdom and healing. Walking this path also helps restore clarity, vitality, good values and teaches us humans how to engage in respectful, healthier relationships and wholeness with all that inhabits and surrounds Pachamama. This includes the sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, mountains, valleys, flowers, mycelium, humans, seasons, soul, and elements like wind, water, rainbow and fire. The Apaza teachings cultivate more positive living energy, uplifting, reciprocal and harmonious ways of relating.


If you feel called to become a Pampamesayok, I was given permission from Don Alejandro to teach, as of August 2024. Please reach out to me if you want to learn directly from me. If you feel called to learn from the elders directly, please go to


If you want to cultivate a relationship with the Earth, go to to find out the indigenous territory you live on. 

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A Cleansing Resource

Collparumi Five Stone Cleansing

Stones are like our friends, our confidants, they are a resource to us when we are going through hard times. They can listen to us and help us release heavy energies. This cleansing technique is to connect you to the lower world, the place of cleansing heavy energies so that the density can be recycled into light energies, bringing harmony back to your being.  


To do this cleansing, I invite you to find a place in nature next to a body of water. It can be a lake, stream or pond. This is a good time to offer a kintu to the place you will be doing a cleansing. A kintu works like a telephone, communicating our intentions to the spiritual world. To offer a kintu, you take three bay leaves, connect with your heart space, and blow gently on the leaves from your heart. Then, you start to whisper to the leaves your name, introducing yourself to the land, then asking the land to receive the kintu as a gift of your gratitude, asking permission to do the cleansing and asking for support. Then dig a small and bury the kintu in the Earth. 


After that you will meditate with the Earth, opening up your heart and asking her to send you five stones. Then you will intuitively pick out the five stones. They need to be small enough that two of the stones go in the left hand and the other three stones go in the right hand. Once you have your stones, two in the left and three in the right, again connecting to your heart space, tell the stones all your problems, pain, anger, frustrations, mistakes, regret or any heaviness you are experiencing to the stones. The stones are going to absorb the heavy energy. 


When you have said all that you need to say, start to rub the stones over your body, starting at the head, then the upper body, mid body, then the lower body, scrubbing your body and ending at your feet. As you do this part, you can repeat the word, “lluksi” which means to clean. As you are scrubbing the body you can also command and tell the energy to get out! With a lot of strength and enthusiasm! You can call to spirits that help with cleansings as well. These spirits are Mama Sirena, Inca Huascar, Mother Waters, and Mother Snake. Ask that they help take this energy to the lower world to be returned to light. Command the heavy energy to never come back. Once you are complete with this part, throw the stones in a body of water and don’t look back. 


After the cleansing is done, it is important to forgive, if that feels possible, to find grace and understanding for yourself and let go and to believe in the process. Once you are done, take some time to rest, recalibrate and if you are able to, meditate in the sun to be filled with light energies. 


If you would like to pay it forward, please go to The Inca Medicine School’s website to make a donation or to see what other projects or offerings they have.


Urpichally Sonqoy,

Sending you gratitude,





A Basic Value of Andean Living

"Ayni means to exchange with love, a basic law that is known in modern science as the law of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction, every time you give you will receive. When you give with love, you will receive with love too.


Please know that your support towards The Inca Medicine School goes back into helping the communities in the Andes that don’t have the same access to resources in the new technology era. The mission of the school and association is to help and give to those communities so they can have a quality of life that allows them to continue living in harmony with sacred nature, having their basic needs met, and supporting the traditions and customs in staying alive." 


- The Inca Medicine School Team

Site designed by Jenessa Batt

Photography by Aaron Batt 

Some photography shared with permission from the Inca Medicine School 

©2024 All Rights Reserved

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